新关注 > 信息聚合 > 太空魔法新篇章 《命运2》新副职分支路线与大招详情公布

太空魔法新篇章 《命运2》新副职分支路线与大招详情公布

Space magic new chapter "fate 2" new deputy branch line and big announced for details

2018-07-12 11:29:56来源: 游戏时光

Gameinformer 在今天公布了《命运2 遗落之族》中三大职业的全新天赋树,并展示了新加入游戏中的九个全新超能大招。每个职业都会在扩展包中加入三个全新的副职天赋树,玩家在进入《遗落之族》可以选择其中一个优先解锁,其他两个会在剧情战役发展到「幽梦之城」的时候通过任务解锁。Bungie 表示新的副职目的是拓展玩家们战斗时的选择,以及对每个小队成员扮演的角色有更明确的划分,下面主要变动和要点汇总。猎人● 电猎人新超能大招现在可以通过按住格斗键形成一个反弹敌人子弹的屏蔽墙。普通近战格斗会释放一个远距离的电弧攻击将敌人击飞,并在地上留下一道电弧的痕迹,强化了猎人的中距离攻击能力。●火猎人的新大招可...

Gameinformer today announced the fate of 2 left, three major professional brand new talent tree, and shows the new nine new ultra large recruit to join the game. Every professional to join in the expansion pack three brand-new deputy tree, players in the "left" can choose one of the priority to unlock, the other two will be in the battle of the plot development to the "city of the deep and remote dream" unlock by task. Bungie said the new deputy aims to expand the choice of players battle, as well as to the role of each team member has a more specific, the following major changes and points. Hunter low electricity hunter new ultra large recruit can by holding down the combat button now form a rebound the enemy bullets shield wall. Normal melee combat will release a long-distance arc attack will hit the enemy, and traces of an arc on the ground, to strengthen the hunter's perimeter attack ability. Low fire hunter xinda move can be...