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Ericsson releases enhanced 5G platform: Old service seamlessly connects 5G era

2019-02-21 19:43:30来源: IT之家

2月21日消息,今日,爱立信发布核心网、无线接入、传输及服务编排等领域的新产品,升级5G平台,帮助运营商平滑地实现网络演进并部署5G业务。一个核心网络,同时兼容4G和5G:爱立信推出7款新品,可同时支持5G独立组网和5G非独立组网以及之前各代组网,以确保之前的服务可无缝延续至5G时代。爱立信的双模5G云化核心网产品还提供开放式应用编程接口,支持基于5G功能的创新。改善城市以外地区的4G服务性能并建设5G覆盖:爱立信推出MINI-LINK 6200微波系列产品,提供面向5G的长距微波解决方案,可实现10Gbps的传输能力。此外,爱立信还推出了9款全新的双频段、三频段和高性能Massive MIM...

Today, February 21, Ericsson released new products in the areas of core network, wireless access, transmission and service orchestration, upgrading the 5G platform to help operators smoothly achieve network evolution and deploy 5G business. A core network, compatible with 4G and 5G at the same time: Ericsson has launched 7 new products that support both 5G standalone networking and 5G non-independent networking, as well as previous generations, to ensure that previous services can seamlessly extend into the 5G era. Ericsson's dual-mode 5G Cloud Core network products also offer open application programming interfaces that support innovation based on 5G capabilities. Improve 4G service performance outside the city and build 5G coverage: Ericsson has launched the MINI-LINK 6200 Microwave series, which offers 5G-oriented long-range microwave solutions for 10Gbps transmission capabilities. In addition, Ericsson has launched 9 new dual-band, three-band and high-performance Massive MIM ...