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App今日免费:知识的海洋 中文填字游戏

The App for free today: the sea of knowledge in Chinese crossword puzzles

2016-04-22 06:51:12来源: 和讯网

我们都知道中国汉字博大精深,世界上所有的国家里,只有我们中国的文化是始终没有间断过的传承下来,也只有我们的“汉字”是世界上唯一的古代一直演变过来没有间断过的文字形式。近日笔者就发现了一款文字类游戏《中文填字游戏精选》。 《中文填字游戏精选》是由开发商Xin Peng推出的一款休闲类益...

We all know that Chinese characters and profound, all the countries in the world, only we Chinese culture is never interrupted ever come down, and only our "Chinese characters" is the world's only ancient writing has evolved was not interrupted. Recently I found a word to game the crossword featured in Chinese. The crossword puzzle in Chinese featured by developers Xin Peng launched a leisure class benefit...

标签: 游戏 APP