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Is social networks of people collective sell Meng days the downfall of the car sharing economy also finished with egg

2015-10-11 00:13:39来源: TECH2IPO创见

十月十日,是社交网络上的人们集体卖萌的日子,交通部在下午举行的发布会上也向全国人民卖了一次萌,顺手把专车和带着乌托邦色彩的共享经济送入了坟墓。从明天早上太阳升起,残存在人们脑海里的「专车」概念将摇身一变,变得有些陌生甚至冰冷。秉着简明易懂的新闻原则,我们咬着牙把交通部公布的《网络预约出租汽车经营服务管理暂行办法》改编成了普通人可以听懂的语言,整个过程既烧脑又五味杂陈。虽说是面向社会的征求意见稿,但这部「暂行办法」显然道出了官方态度,「专车」的命运也将由此改变。具体内容是这样的:车辆资质:需为 7 座以下乘用车,且必须获得《道路交通运输证》,车辆为客运性质司机资质:驾龄 3 年及以上,需经过专门...

October 10, the Ministry of communications held in the afternoon of the conference is to the people of the whole country to sell the Meng, shoving the car and with a utopian sharing economy into the grave. Tomorrow morning, the sun rises from the, remains "car" concept in the minds of people will suddenly become some strange, even cold. Faith is straightforward news principle, we have to bite a tooth to released by the Ministry of transportation "network reservation rental car business service management Interim Measures" adapted into the ordinary people can understand the language, the whole process of burn both brain and five flavours miscellaneous Chen. Although it is a society for the draft, but the "Interim Measures" clearly shows the official attitude, the fate of the "car" will thus change. Specific content is this: the qualification of vehicles: the need for 7 the following passenger car, and must obtain the road transportation certificate, vehicle for passenger transport properties of driver qualification: driving experience and more than 3 years, specially...

标签: 共享经济