新关注 > 信息聚合 > 我叫MT2新春版院长加丁变动分析 沉默机制暗改

我叫MT2新春版院长加丁变动分析 沉默机制暗改

My name is Gadin, Dean of the MT2 spring edition changes analysis of silencing mechanism dark modified with

2015-02-17 13:00:36来源: 4399

我叫MT2新春版上线后,院长的沉默机制做了一定的调整。既没有先手后手的区别,而且已出手的技能无法被沉默打算,那么在这种情况下,院长是否还能发挥出作用?是否还值得培养?我们就来看看吧! 我叫MT2院长改版之前: 院长的沉默是传递性的,意思是说会从最靠近自己的英雄依次向后传递,而且具备打...

my name is MT2 New Year Edition on-line, silencing the Dean made some adjustments. The difference between neither the upper hand, but has shot skills cannot be silent to, so in this case, the dean is also play a role? Whether it is still worthwhile to culture? We'll have a look! Before I call Dean MT2 revision: Dean's silence is transitive, mean from the closest to their hero in turn backward transmission, but also has to play...