新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《最终兵器》“暴走之锤”玩家cosplay出炉


"The ultimate weapon," "Runaway Hammer" Players cosplay baked

2016-07-25 20:24:50来源: 17173

完美世界旗下3D动作竞技游戏《最终兵器》已开启终极内测,有越来越多的玩家争相体验全新的竞技概念。游戏中各具特色的英雄深受玩家喜爱,游戏开测仅一周,就有玩家神速发布了游戏英雄“暴走之锤”的cosplay照片。 cosplay照片神速出炉 萌妹子演绎“暴走之锤” 《最终兵器》终极内测开...

Perfect World's 3D action-sports game "Ultimate Weapon" is on the ultimate closed beta, there are more and more players eager to experience the new competitive concept. Game distinctive hero loved by players, the game open test only a week, there is a rapid release of the game players Hero "runaway Hammer" of cosplay photos. cosplay photo released rapidly sprouting sister interpretation of "runaway Hammer," "the ultimate weapon" ultimate closed beta open ...

标签: 玩家