新关注 > 信息聚合 > 西安市监局公布“奔驰车主维权”处理:责成退车退款


Xi'an Municipal Supervisory Bureau announces the treatment of "protecting the rights of Mercedes-Benz owners": ordering refund

2019-04-14 08:20:41来源: IT之家

IT之家4月14日消息 西安市互联网信息办公室官方微博消息,引起关注的“某女士购奔驰车消费纠纷”一事,目前,高新区市场监管部门要求“利之星”4s店继续加强沟通解决投诉问题。对消费者新提出的诉求和证据调查核实后,依法依规作出公正处理,切实保护消费者的合法权益,努力营造良好的营商环境。2019年2月25日,投诉人某女士与西安利之星汽车有限公司(简称“利之星”4s店)签订了分期付款购买全新进口奔驰CLS300汽车购车合同。3月27日提车后,因认为发动机存在问题与“利之星”4s店自行协商退换车辆未果。4月9日向陕西省市场监管局12315指挥中心、西安市12345热线电话投诉,诉请退款退费。当...

IT Home News April 14 - nbsp; Xi'an Internet Information Office official micro-blog news, causing concern about "a woman's purchase of Mercedes-Benz consumer disputes". At present, the market supervision department of High-tech Zone requests "Star of Benefits" 4S stores to continue to strengthen communication to resolve complaints. After investigating and verifying the new demands and evidences put forward by consumers, we should deal with them fairly according to the law and regulations, effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and strive to create a good business environment. On February 25, 2019, a woman and Xi'an Lizhixing Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Lizhixing" 4S shop) signed a purchase contract for a new imported Mercedes-Benz CLS300 car by installment payment. After picking up the car on March 27, it failed to negotiate with the "Star of Benefits" 4S shop to replace the vehicle because of the engine problems. On April 9, a complaint was made to 12315 Command Center of Shaanxi Market Regulatory Bureau and 12345 Hotline of Xi'an City for refund and refund. When...