新关注 > 信息聚合 > 对于中国游戏暂停审批,EA、育碧等公司似乎并没有太担心


For China's game suspension for examination and approval, EA, ubisoft company does not seem to be too worried

2018-11-16 23:35:48来源: 游戏时光

自今年3月份以来,国内新游戏审批就因为机构调整而暂停了。对于国外各大游戏厂商来说,中国一直是一个巨大而有潜力的市场,按理游戏的暂停审批想必也会让他们很头疼,然而,就过去几个月各公司的发言来看,他们似乎对这一情况并不是特别担心。Take-two CEO Strauss Zelnick表示因为《NBA 2K》已经在中国成功发售,所以就目前情况来看,暂停审批的政策并不会影响到他们。当然,中国市场在商业战略上对Take-two而言也是非常重要的,所以也很期待恢复游戏审批。“我想随着时间的推移总会好的,中国对我们来说依旧是一个有巨大发展潜力的市场,”Zelnick说道。《NBA2K18》国行版已发售EA...

Since march this year, the domestic new suspended for organ for examination and approval of the game. For each big game companies abroad, China has been a huge and potential market, arguably the game will let their approval will be very headache, however, is in the past few months the company to speak, they seem to is not particularly worried about the information. Take-two ceos Strauss Zelnick said because the NBA 2 k has been sold in China, so as currently envisaged, suspend the examination and approval of policy does not affect them. Of course, the Chinese market on the business strategy is also very important for take-two, so also very much looking forward to restore game for examination and approval. "With the passage of time is always good, I think, for us in China is still a huge potential market," said Zelnick. The legal channels edition of the NBA2K18 sold EA...

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