新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《寻仙》手游攻略:掌电法师:如何在副本中发挥天雷的威力


Find fairy hand tour guide: palm electric mage: how to play the power of lightning in a copy

2018-05-06 17:29:11来源: 任玩堂


Gossip lingjinghutong seismic ray, Lin however upright demon ", in the fairy find mobile game, with the palm electric mage bagua mirror with a rage against the enemy, compared with single outbreak of fire mage, more aggressive. Group compared with those of single attack attack are more likely to trigger a hatred is out of control, and electric mages have fire mage's invincible skills. So, the operation of the electric mage difficulty is more high. So, if you want to maximize play zhang in copy electricity wizard group attack features, what are the key points worth attention? From yellow wind tunnel to 10 side of copy, such as "a fairy mobile game" has nearly 20 copies to friends to provide a copy of the rich experience. The palm electric mage is indispensable important output role team. Palm electric mage in battle with the strongest area attack ability, its powerful groups enables teams to quickly boost output any copy. As difficult operation of fairy, to be in copy, to maximize play a hand electric mage group of the characteristics of the attack, it must be in...

标签: 手游