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调查:网上买到假货 四成人选择忍气吞声(图)

Survey: online buy fake four adult choose swallow insult and humiliation silently (Figure)

2015-02-04 14:49:15来源: 中国新闻网

商报图形 王若静 制 近日,一份由工商总局公布的监测结果,引发某电商平台与工商总局的各执一词。 那么问题来了:面对网购到的假货,网购族一般如何应对的呢?昨日,腾讯企鹅智库公布了一份名为《网购假货现象调查》的报告,对3.8万多位网购族进行在线问卷调查,结果显示,超4成网友面对网购假...

daily graphic Wang Ruojing system recently, a published by the Administration for Industry and Commerce of the monitoring results, causing a business platform with the Administration for Industry and Commerce of each sticks to his argument. Then came the question: in the face of online shopping to fake online shopping, general how to respond? Yesterday, Tencent Penguin think-tank published a survey of online shopping "" fake phenomenon report, online questionnaires, of more than 38000 online shopping group results show, super 4 into the user facing online shopping false...