新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌无人驾驶汽车将在美国进行路试


Google driverless cars will be in American road test

2014-12-24 11:20:02来源: 易车网

近日,海外媒体曝光了一张谷歌无人驾驶汽车的实车照,并透露了一些新车的最细进展。据悉,新车即将在美国道路上进行测试。 新车的外观较之前进行了小改变,其增加了大灯、转向灯以满足法规要求。此外,新车还将后视镜的尺寸进行了增加,并采用了全新造型的轮圈。新车的细节变化,使它的外形看起来更加顺眼...

recently, overseas media exposure of the real license a Google driverless cars, and revealed the fine progress of some new car. It is reported, the new car will be tested in the USA road. The new appearance than before are small change, which increases the headlight, steering lamp in order to meet regulatory requirements. In addition, the new car will also mirror the size of the increase, and adopts the new shape of the rim. The details of the changes of the new car, making it look more pleasing to the eye...

标签: 谷歌