新关注 > 信息聚合 > SNOW中国获5000万美元A轮融资,红杉与软银联合投资


SNOW China received US$50 million A round of financing and joint investment of Sequoia and Softbank

2018-01-22 13:20:00来源: 品途网

品途商业评论讯 1月22日,SNOW中国宣布获得5000万美元A轮融资,由红杉中国与软银集团联合投资。 公开信息显示,SNOW相机是一款手机录像与摄影类应用,由韩国开发商CampMobile Inc于2015年9月推出。SNOW相机可以进行各种风格的贴图拍照、录像、涂鸦,还可以与好友分享,与好友用视频的方式沟通。 用特效拍照或短视频的App数不胜数,而SNOW早已不是一个人在战斗:2017年5月,SNOW相机与B612合并,成立新的相机应用B612咔叽。除此之外,定位于专拍美食的应用Foodie也是SNOW旗下的产品。 2017年短视频的火热,也让这类A...

On January 22, SNOW China announced a $50 million A round of financing, jointly invested by Sequoia China and Softbank Group. & nbsp; Public information shows that SNOW camera is a mobile video and photography application, launched by Korean developer CampMobile Inc in September 2015. SNOW cameras can take pictures, videos and graffiti in various styles. They can also share with friends and communicate with them by video. & Nbsp; Apps for special effects or short videos are numerous, and SNOW is no longer alone: in May 2017, SNOW cameras merged with B612 to create a new camera application called B612 click. In addition, Foodie is also a product of SNOW. & nbsp; the popularity of short video in 2017 also makes this kind of A..