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《有侠气》华丽登场 再掀全民武侠热

"Others" is gorgeous debut Zaixian national martial arts hot

2015-02-03 12:46:27来源: 多玩游戏

花无缺与江小鱼、郭靖与杨康、楚留香与原随云…..在武侠的世界中,我们总是可以隐隐看到命运的脉络。宿命,作为东方文化中的一个重要元素,如今在这里都可以一一完美重现,不仅如此,游戏还海量还原了大家熟知的武侠英雄,蓉儿、郭小哥、小王爷、柯瞎子在这里应有尽有。 《有侠气》是一款以武侠巨著为题...

us, Guo Jing and Yang Kang, Chu Liuxiang and Yuansuiyun... .. In the martial arts world, we can always see a faint the fate of choroid. Fate, as an important element in the oriental culture, and now here are one one perfect reconstruction, not only that, the game also massive reduction of the well-known martial arts hero, Rong son, Guo Xiaoge, Xiao Wang, Ke blind here have everything that one expects to find. "There are others" is a topic in martial arts masterpiece...