新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360手机助手:美团排中国电商APP第二名


360 mobile phone assistant: Beauty Group row Chinese electric APP second

2015-01-12 15:46:30来源: 和讯网

近日,360手机助手评选出了中国top 100 app,美团力压京东、天猫成为仅次于淘宝的电商APP。 无独有偶,国内专业互联网数据分析机构易观智库发布了2014年11月份移动APP排行榜TOP100榜单中,美团APP以活跃用户为2049.4万,排在国内所有APP第48位,在电商类A...

recently, 360 mobile phone assistant selected China top 100 app, forcing Jingdong beauty group, Tmall become second only to the Taobao electric APP. Coincidentally, the domestic professional Internet data analysis firm Analysys think-tank released the 2014 November mobile APP TOP100 rankings list, beauty group APP to active users was 20494000, row in all domestic APP forty-eighth, in the business class A...

标签: APP 电商