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天天富翁荣耀版本来袭 新增全新S+卡

Every day the millionaire glory version added new incoming S+ card

2015-02-04 19:47:47来源: 4399

天天富翁于年前进行了更新,此次更新后,除了新增了任务系统外,还增加了全新的S+卡,下面就让我们一起来看下具体的更新内容吧。 此次更新内容: 1、荣耀版本来袭,新年首轮快乐风暴来袭!神秘S卡敬请期待~ 2、全新VIP系统上线,VIP专属福利曝光,特权多多奖励多多~ 3、全新任务系统...

every millionaire in years ago was updated, the update, in addition to the new task system, also increased the new S+ card, let us together under the terms of the specific content of the update. This update content: 1, the new year the first round hit glory version, happy storm! The mysterious S card please look ~ 2, the new VIP system on-line, VIP special welfare exposure, privilege more incentives ~ 3, new mission system...