新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每次危机过后都会催生新巨头,这次会是谁?


Every time the crisis will lead to the new giants, this will be who?

2015-08-26 10:29:03来源: DoNews

摘要:在过去的20年里,每次大规模寒冬过后,互联网领域都会出现新的巨头。如果这次的股市巨震演变为新的危机,什么样的项目更可能赢得有限的资本争夺战?新的巨头可能会出现在哪些领域?哪些机构会成为新的金主? 尽管昨天部分收复失地,但在最近一周中,全球主要的互联网巨头的市值仍然出现了将近10%甚至更多的回调,去年才创下全球最大IPO规模的阿里巴巴,一度跌破发行价,相对最高时的股价近乎腰斩,对未来的悲观情绪似乎有重新占据主流之势。不过对以变化为不变主题的互联网行业而言,这不应该是什么大不了的事情。即便类似2000年那样的网络泡沫破裂,或者2008年的金融危机那样的灾难再次降临,可能也更多的是一次去除杂质...

Abstract: in the past 20 years, every time after the massive winter, the Internet will appear new giants. If the stock market the huge earthquake evolution to a new crisis, what kind of projects are more likely to win the battle for the capital of a limited? New giants may appear in what areas? What will become the new gold master? Although yesterday, part of the Reconquista, but in recent weeks, the market value of the global major Internet giant still appeared nearly 10% or more of the callback, last year set only the world's biggest IPO of the Alibaba, once fell below the issue price, relatively the highest share price almost halved, pessimism about future seems to have re occupy the mainstream. However, to change the subject of the Internet industry, which is not a big deal, this should not be a big deal. Even if the network bubble burst in 2000, or in 2008 the financial crisis, the disaster again, may also be more of a removal of impurities...