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策略手游《领主争端》上架 人魔大战号角已经吹响

Strategy mobile game "Lord dispute" on people's war horn have sounded

2016-01-25 12:23:36来源: 任玩堂

曾推出过《战锤 40K:太空狼》的游戏商 HeroCraft ,近日又再推出一款名为 Lords of Discord《领主争端》的回合制策略手游。这款作品早在 2013 年就在国外众筹网站 Kickstarter 开启集资项目,并且预计在去年 6 月登陆 iOS 以及安卓平台,没想到的...

Had launched the war hammer 40 k: space Wolf "HeroCraft games, recently launched a again called Lords of Discord" Lord dispute "turn-based strategy mobile game. This works as early as 2013 the Kickstarter open raise funding projects abroad, and is expected to last June on iOS and android platform, have never thought of...

标签: 手游