新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《妈妈咪鸭》改档海报 黑马电影3月9日上映

《妈妈咪鸭》改档海报 黑马电影3月9日上映

Show a duck change gears posters black film released on March 9

2018-01-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

妈妈咪鸭改档海报 《妈妈咪鸭》是第一部进军全球的国产动画大电影,电影的超高品质获海内外一致赞赏,并且海外预售高达近千万美元。为了配合全球上映的档期安排,中国区上映档期定为2018年3月9日,同时为了满足国内观众观影需求,片方已在公映前选择了不同时间段进行超前点映。早在1月1日就已开启首轮亲子场特别点映,1月7号将会继续进行超前点映,给影迷持续带来欢乐。 《妈妈咪鸭》蓄势待发 中国动画为全球供上精美大餐 《妈妈咪鸭》作为首部进军全球的国产动画大电影,目前已销往全世界数十个国家,海外预售高达近千万美元,创下了国产动画电影在海外的最高销售纪录。《妈妈咪鸭》作为今年最具“黑马相”的一部动画...

Show a duck change gears posters show a duck is first foray into global domestic animation film, film high quality has won unanimous praise at home and abroad, and overseas booking up to nearly $10 m. Schedule arrangement, released to coincide with the global China release schedule as on March 9, 2018, at the same time in order to meet the demand of the domestic audience viewing, party already chose before release ahead at different times. As early as January 1, has opened the first round of parent-child games opens in particular, will continue to advance on January 7 points, to cheer the fans continue. "Show a duck" ready for global Chinese animation for fine dining on "show a duck" as the first foray into global domestic animation film, have been sold to dozens of countries around the world now, overseas booking up to nearly $10 m, in the domestic animation film abroad the highest sales record. "Show a duck" as this year's most "dark horse" animated...

标签: 电影