新关注 > 信息聚合 > 阿里COO张勇:电商跨境 全球走向无国界贸易

阿里COO张勇:电商跨境 全球走向无国界贸易

Ali COO Zhang Yong: electric world transnational toward borderless trade

2014-11-24 19:49:47来源: 天极网


[celestial pole net network channel in November 24th news] when online shopping is becoming more and more hot, people are no longer confined to the domestic shopping website, for example will soon face the black five, many people have chosen the sea Tao, more preferential American Amazon website shopping in the price, and then direct mail back to China, electronic business cross-border broke through the obstacle between country and country, gradually make international trade to the borderless trade, in any parts of the world can be the global purchase...

标签: 电商