新关注 > 信息聚合 > 之江实验室成立 阿里CEO张勇任副理事长

之江实验室成立 阿里CEO张勇任副理事长

Zhijiang laboratory was established Vice President of CEO Zhang Yongren ali

2017-09-06 20:44:19来源: DoNews

DoNews9月6日消息(记者 翟继茹)由浙江省政府、浙江大学、阿里巴巴集团联合共建的之江实验室今日在杭州正式成立。之江实验室定位是将以国家目标和战略需求为导向,开展重大前沿基础研究和关键技术攻关,争创网络信息国家实验室。按照规划,之江实验室将在未来网络计算和系统、泛化人工智能、泛在信息安全、无障感知互联、智能制造技术等五大方向,开展重大前沿基础研究和关键技术突破。体系上,之江实验室按“一体、双核、多点”架构组建,即以省政府、浙大、阿里巴巴出资成立的之江实验室为一体,以浙大、阿里巴巴为双核,以国内外高校院所、央企民企优质创新资源为多点。组织上,之江实验室采用理事会制度,由浙江省人民政府省长袁家...

DoNews9 6 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) jointly by the government of zhejiang province, zhejiang university, alibaba group and was formally established in hangzhou zhijiang lab today. Zhijiang laboratory positioning is guided by the demands of national goals and strategy, to carry out the important front for basic research and key technology research, creating national laboratory network information. In accordance with the plan, zhijiang laboratory will be in the future network computing and systems, generalization in artificial intelligence, information security, no barrier perception connected, intelligent manufacturing technology and so on five big direction, to carry out the important front for basic research and the key technology breakthrough. System, zhijiang laboratory according to "an organic whole, dual-core, multipoint" architecture form, namely, to the provincial government, zhejiang university, alibaba funded zhijiang laboratory as a whole, with zhejiang university, alibaba for dual core, the academics at home and abroad, a state-owned corporation quality innovation resources for more. Organizationally, zhijiang laboratories use the council system, by the people's government of zhejiang province governor Yuan Gu...