新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苹果宣布与3家非营利组织合作:打击假新闻


Apple announced with three nonprofit organizations: to crack down on fake news

2019-03-20 08:42:10来源: IT之家

苹果周二表示,该公司将支持3家非营利组织开展媒体素养项目,以打击假新闻。苹果将在美国支持“新闻素养项目”和“常识”两家组织,并在意大利支持另一家组织Osservatorio Permanente Giovani-Editori。这些项目的目标是让年轻人在数字时代掌握批判性思维能力。苹果CEO蒂姆·库克(Tim Cook)在声明中表示:“新闻素养对维持新闻自由和民主至关重要,我们很高兴能与第一线的组织展开合作。它们正在做的重要工作令我们印象深刻,这些项目使年轻人成为积极参与的公民。”苹果将于3月25日举办发布会。预计苹果将在会上推出新闻订阅服务。去年,当苹果在新闻应用中启动2018年中期选举专栏...

Apple said on Tuesday that the company will support three nonprofits in media literacy projects, to combat false news. Apple will support in the United States "news literacy project" and "common sense" between the two groups, and in Italy to support another organization Osservatorio Permanente Giovani - Editori. The project's goal is to allow young people to master ability of critical thinking in the digital age. Apple CEO Tim Cook (Tim Cook) said in a statement: "the news literacy is essential to maintaining press freedom and democracy, we would be glad to cooperate with the first line of organizations. They are doing important work to impress us, these projects make young people to actively participate in citizen." Apple will hold conference on March 25. Apple is expected to launch news subscription service at the meeting. Last year, when apple launched in 2018 in news column in the midterm elections...

标签: 苹果