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星座的力量指引你的命运 RPG新作《十二宫》十月..

Constellation power to guide your fate RPG new "Zodiac" October..

2015-09-21 10:59:33来源: 任玩堂

此前任玩堂曾报道过,法国游戏开发商 Kobojo 正制作着一款日式风格浓厚的 RPG 游戏 Zodiac:Orcanon Odyssey《十二宫》,并计划推出手机版和家用机版。而在近日官方终于表示游戏将会在十月登陆 iOS 平台,并公布了游戏的宣传视频,一起来看看游戏的实际表现吧。 和...

prior to any play hall has been reported, the French game developer Kobojo is made with a Japanese style strong RPG game Zodiac:Orcanon Odyssey "the twelve Palace", and plans to launch mobile version and the version of the console. And in recent days, the official said the game will be landing in October iOS platform, and announced the game's promotional video, a look at the actual performance of the game. And...

标签: 星座