新关注 > 信息聚合 > 他说:“武侠”将是《战狼2》后的票房纪录缔造者


He said: "martial arts" will be "war Wolf 2" after the box office record

2018-03-23 17:52:00来源: 品途网

的确,黯淡了刀光剑影,远去了鼓角争鸣。随着历史的车轮滚滚向前,传统的江湖会逐渐淹没在浩瀚的尘埃当中,但是武侠还在,因为人还在,梦还在。 撰文丨占太林 编辑丨沈多 3月初,《绝代双骄》在横店开机,作为温梁古金时代的武侠的代表作之一,《绝代双骄》代表了一个时代的江湖,然而时过境迁,雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改,江湖还在,武侠却在文艺风潮的一次次变化中展现出不同的江湖。 3月20日,由文娱产业媒体发起的一场新青年沙龙“每个人的心里都藏着一个江湖”邀请到了业内一线导演、剧评人、平台负责人一起对酒当歌,指点江湖传奇。 明清之后,武侠走了一个轮回 武侠文化在中国由来已久,中学我们课本里学了一篇...

Indeed, dull swords, gone GuJiao schools of thought contend. Along with the wheel of history rolls on, traditional jianghu gradually submerged in the vast dust, but martial arts is still there, because the person is still there, the dream is still in. Writing 丨 too edit 丨 shen Lin in early march, the handsome siblings in hengdian boot, as one of the representative work of martial arts in the ancient gold WenLiang age, "the handsome siblings" represents a jianghu era, but times have changed, diaolan jade, in only zhuyan changed, river's lake, martial arts are sure to different literary trend of time and change of the river's lake. On March 20, initiated by the media entertainment industry a new youth salon "everyone is hidden in the heart of a river's lake" invitation to the industry line director, e-network, platform, director of shenzhen together, show legend. After the Ming and qing dynasties, fu walked a rebirth Martial arts culture has a long history in China, high school textbooks we learn a story...