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顺网科技2017 CJ强大阵容曝光 游戏新玩法引期待

Shun network technology 2017 CJ a strong lineup of new game play to lead exposure

2017-07-20 10:21:32来源: DoNews

连续参展了数年ChinaJoy的顺网科技,今年的展台有啥新看点?作为国内最大的网吧娱乐平台服务商,顺网科技近几年泛娱乐路线走的风风火火,除了火马电竞、顺网游戏、顺网VR,今年还有顺网旗下子公司直播平台“氧秀”首次同台亮相2017 ChinaJoy,为玩家们带来全新的游戏体验。另外,顺网科技旗下顺网宇酷、新浩艺今年也将亮相CJ,带来手游发行、游戏营销新方案。顺网科技如此强大的参展阵容,究竟有哪些看点?让我们先来探探秘!震撼赛事 火马电竞高校联赛CJ上演巅峰对决火马电竞作为顺网科技旗下的全民电竞平台,2017ChinaJoy将在顺网科技N5馆“主展台”重磅亮相。顺网科技BToC馆N5-03展台示意...

A number of years of continuous participation of ChinaJoy network technology this year's booth, what's new? As the largest internet entertainment platform service providers, network technology in recent years, the pan entertainment routes. In addition to the fire horse, rash and too much in haste, eSports games, ICAF Shun network VR, this year there is a subsidiary of Shun network broadcast platform "oxygen show" for the first time with the appearance of 2017 ChinaJoy, a new gaming experience for their game player. In addition, Shun network technology's ICAF Yu Hao Yi new cool, this year will also be unveiled CJ, bring new issue, Mobile Games game marketing scheme. Shun network technology such a powerful lineup of exhibitors, what aspect? Let's explore quest! Shocking events fire horse gaming College League showdown on top CJ the fire horse as a gaming gaming platform under the network technology, 2017ChinaJoy will be in the "main Shun network technology hall N5 booth" blockbuster debut. Shun network technology BToC hall N5-03 booth...

标签: 游戏