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诱敌深入 37《神鬼无双》草船借箭巧立奇功

Lure him into 37 pirates one like "grass boat borrow arrow artful made outstanding contributions

2016-05-27 14:32:19来源: 新浪

周瑜问诸葛亮:“即日将与曹军交战,水路交兵,当以何兵器为先?” 诸葛亮答:“大江之上,以弓箭为先。” 周瑜工于心计,设下陷阱,要求诸葛亮十日内制箭十万支;诸葛亮不仅一眼识破奸计,更是成竹在胸:“只消三日,便可拜纳十万支箭。” 37《神鬼无双》官网:http://www.37....

Zhou yu asked zhuge liang, "this day will be at war with jun, the water, when the weapon first?" Zhuge liang said: "great river, first with a bow and arrow." Zhou yu bandar, set a trap, a public integrity asked zhuge liang to 10 arrows; Zhuge liang was not only recognise a trickery, he has in mind: "just three days, can him hundreds of arrows." 37 ghosts-gods unique website: http://www.37...