新关注 > 信息聚合 > 行进中的金翎奖:见证10年手游市场发展历程


Travel in Jin Ling Award: witness 10 years of development Mobile Games Market

2015-12-04 08:31:11来源: 新浪

不知不觉之中,拥有中国游戏产业“奥斯卡”之称的金翎奖已经来到了第十个年头。在这十年中,金翎奖作为中国游戏产业的权威奖项,也见证了国内游戏产 业从萌芽到逐渐壮大,再到近年来百花齐放的繁荣历程。作为国内游戏产业的新生力量,移动游戏市场近年来也持续增长,用空前的市场规模和行业激情带领中国游 戏...

Imperceptibly, have China game industry called "Oscar" in Jin Ling award has come to tenth years. In this decade, Jin Ling award as the authority of the Chinese game industry awards, also witnessed the domestic game industry from germination to gradually grow, to in recent years flowers lit the prosperity of course. As a new force in the domestic game industry, the mobile game market has continued to grow in recent years, with unprecedented market size and industry passion led China tour...

标签: 手游