新关注 > 信息聚合 > 中国元素再入《守望先锋》 新地图受欢迎

中国元素再入《守望先锋》 新地图受欢迎

Chinese elements into the watch pioneer new map and popular

2016-03-08 21:51:17来源: 天极网

一场发生在未来地球的大战,全球各个国家的勇士组成了守望先锋队,为保卫地球家园的和平稳定而走到一起,与邪恶势力对抗着。 既然是全球大战,《守望先锋》的游戏世界中自然也少不了点滴的中国元素,除了之前中国的英雄露面,如今《守望先锋》新推出的地图则是以中国地图为原型而设计的,并且融入了全新战...

In earth's future war, the global watch vanguard warriors from all countries, to defend the peace and stability of earth home and walk to arrive together, to fight the evil forces. Now that is one of the world war ii, the pioneer "to watch the game in the world of nature is little not a little Chinese elements, in addition to the Chinese hero appeared before, now the watchman pioneer new map is a map of China for the prototype design, and into a new war...

标签: 守望先锋