新关注 > 信息聚合 > lol电竞职业选手年薪曝光 VG战队队员身价最高价..

lol电竞职业选手年薪曝光 VG战队队员身价最高价..

E-sports pro lol salary exposure VG team players worth high..

2016-05-04 18:13:45来源: TechWeb

【TechWeb报道】5月4日消息,电竞行业现在进入了一个飞速发展的时代,喜爱电竞的玩家向往这个行业,希望通过这个行业来展示自己。 而其中一个最重要的因素是,玩游戏也能挣到百万年薪,但前提你要玩出“名堂”。一份《2016年中国电竞创业趋势报告》在网络上发布,其中电竞俱乐部VG选手的身价...

【 】 TechWeb reported on May 4, e-sports industry now has entered a rapid development era, love e-sports players in this industry, to display their hope that through this industry. And one of the most important factor is that games can also earn millions of annual salary, but only if you want to play the "tricks". A "2016 China e-sports entrepreneurship trend report released on the Internet, including e-sports club VG's worth...

标签: LOL 电竞