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Fashion control will look! MU miracle: the awakening fashion personality inventory

2018-04-17 10:47:04来源: 任玩堂

十五年经典革新归来,下一个奇迹等待见证!全新MMO官方正版奇迹手游《奇迹MU:觉醒》全平台不删档不限号现已开启,邀你重返奇迹世界,勇者再战。《奇迹MU:觉醒》最新资料片“勇者圣装”中,全新时装系统正式和玩家见面,无论是欧式贵族风的传教之袍+苦行之面,还是融入了盔甲元素,彰显着力量与实力的狂野勋爵+暗夜来客,光鲜亮丽的时装都将会让玩家迅速从人群中脱颖而出,成为众人关注的焦点。勇者圣装 全新时装绚丽瞩目在《奇迹觉醒》最新的版本中,游戏突破经验等级界限,开放了大师等级转职,并新增多张全新地图,包括世界地图冰霜之城、安宁池,以及深渊地图月之海、传说平原。同时游戏还开放了全新的精灵成长线,并推出战盟圣兽...

Under 15 years back classic innovation and witness a miracle waiting for! New MMO mobile game official licensed miracle "miracle MU: awakening all platform don't delete file unlimited number is now open, invite you to return to the wonders of the world, the brave fight again. MU miracle: the awakening the latest expansion "brave the pack", meet new fashion system formally and players, whether European missionary aristocratic wind + the face of the austerity of the robe, or elements into the armor, reveal the strength and power of wild Lord + night visitors, glamorous fashion will let players stand out from the crowd, quickly become the focus of attention. A brave man st outfit New fashion beautiful profile in the latest version of the "miracle awakening, breakthrough experience level, open the master level, and increase new quan-xin zhang map, including the city of the world map frost, quiet pool, as well as the deep sea of map month, legend plain. Game also opened up new elf growth lines, and launching grad sacred animals...