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魔兽世界测试服6.2上线 全新怪物模型抢鲜看

Moshou Shijie test 6.2 launched a new monster model prerelease see

2015-04-14 16:28:15来源: 17173

暴雪官方网站今天宣布:旗下《魔兽世界》6.2版在公开测试服务器(PTR)上正式更新。在6.2版中,玩家将可以自己的3级要塞中建造船坞,并以此开启进军塔纳安丛林的相关任务。玩家所组成的联军将深入钢铁部落的腹地,并在新的团队副本地狱火堡垒中(Hellfire Citadel)挑战喝下恶魔之血...

Blizzard's official website announced today: "Moshou's Shijie" version 6.2 on the public test server (PTR) on the official update. In version 6.2, game player will be able to build their own fortress in 3 dock, which opened into the jungle at security related tasks. Game player which coalition will further steel tribal hinterland, and in the new team a copy of Hellfire Citadel in (Hellfire Citadel) challenge the blood demon drink...

标签: 魔兽世界