新关注 > 信息聚合 > 黑暗血腥RPG《复仇者桑尼》本周四登陆iOS平台


Dark bloody RPG "avengers sonny" Thursday on iOS platform

2017-01-11 14:21:06来源: 任玩堂

此前任玩堂曾报道过游戏开发商 Krin Juangbhanich旗下的经典FLASH RPG游戏《复仇者桑尼》计划推出iOS版本,今日该游戏公布了最新的预告片,并且宣布将会在1月12日登陆iOS平台。《复仇者桑尼》是一款2008年推出的Flash RPG 游戏,有着黑暗血腥的Clut 邪典背景,玩法上十分考验玩家的策略和战术,在2009年推出过续作《复仇者桑尼2》,此前有媒体称iOS版《复仇者桑尼》将是前两部的续作,然而,现在看来并不是这样的。官方称iOS版《复仇者桑尼》将会是一个全新的故事。官方称iOS版本的《复仇者桑尼》会是一个全新冒险故事,会有新的故事情节和结局,只不过在游戏中我们依然可...

Previously reported as play hall game developers Krin Juangbhanich's classic RPG games FLASH "avengers sonny" plans to launch the iOS version of the game today announced the latest trailer, and announced that will be on January 12, the iOS platform. "The avengers sonny" is a 2008 Flash RPG game, with dark bloody Clut cult background, play very test on the player's strategy and tactics, in 2009 brought the sequel "avengers sonny 2", after media said the iOS version of "the avengers sonny" will be a sequel to the first two, however, now is not the case. Officials say the iOS version of "the avengers sonny" will be a brand new story. Officials say the iOS version of the "avengers sonny" is a brand new adventure stories, there will be a new story plot and the ending, but we're still in the game can be...

标签: iOS