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腾讯《天天军棋》游戏介绍 四国军棋手机再战

"Every day" chess game Tencent Siguo Zaizhan mobile phone

2015-12-28 17:22:46来源: 4399

企鹅大工厂又推出一款全新的休闲棋牌手游《天天军棋》,这是专门为军棋爱好者匠心打造的,游戏画面制作精良,操作简单明了,还原真实下棋体验;总体来说是一款良心手游。 【游戏特点】 1、多种玩法,四国暗棋,四国明棋,单挑暗棋 2、军事主题游戏风格,让您沉浸于军棋对局中无法自拔 2、方便快...

Factory of penguins has launched a new leisure hand travel chess "chess every day", which is dedicated to the military chess enthusiasts ingenuity to create, produce excellent picture of the game, the operation is simple and clear, to restore the true chess experience; overall is the travel of a conscience. [Characteristics] Game 1, a variety of gameplay, four Chinese chess, four Ming chess, challenged the chess 2, military theme and style of the game, let you immersed in the chess game cannot extricate oneself, convenient fast...

标签: 游戏 腾讯