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ZOWIE GEAR体验区与您相约亚洲杯总决赛现场

ZOWIE GEAR experience area and meet you at the scene of the Asian cup finals

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

10月8日,随着新加坡赛区落下帷幕,本届2017极限之地CS:GO亚洲公开赛总决赛16支参赛战队全部诞生。10月19日—22日,来自亚洲各地区的CS:GO强队将齐聚中国上海,为象征着亚太区CS:GO最高荣誉的冠军奖杯而战。 本次极限之地CS:GO亚洲公开赛使用的赛事用机是由ZOWIE GEAR提供的XL2546电竞显示器。这款显示器搭载的原生240Hz刷新率和DyAc技术也受到了各位职业选手和玩家的好评。许多FPS游戏玩家都曾在世界大赛中看到过它的身影,但遗憾的是,许多玩家没有机会亲身体验这款显示器。对于这一点,ZOWIE GEAR也在不断努力。 在本次极限之地CS:GO亚洲公开...

On October 8th, with Singapore conference ended, the place of the limit of 2017 CS: GO Asian open finals all 16 teams participating team was born. On October 19, 22, from Asia regional CS: GO teams will meet in Shanghai, China, as a symbol of the asia-pacific CS: GO fight highest honor title. The ultimate place for CS: GO with the use of Asian open tournament machine is made up of ZOWIE GEAR provided XL2546 e-sports displays. The display of the native carrying 240 hz refresh rate and DyAc technology have also been every professional player and the player's high praise. Many FPS gamers have seen it in the world series, but unfortunately, many of the players didn't have a chance to experience this kind of display. For this, ZOWIE GEAR also in unceasingly diligently. In place of the limit of CS: GO public in Asia...