新关注 > 信息聚合 > 不一样的刺激感 《黑夜传说》用手柄撸起来

不一样的刺激感 《黑夜传说》用手柄撸起来

Not the same as the excitement of "Underworld" line up with the handle

2015-07-23 13:48:04来源: 不凡游戏网

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equipment is not strong? Fighting hard to improve? Fighting is not exciting? Not readily manipulated? With the handle all this will not be a problem. Action hand tour of the king of the underworld werewolf return "taking handle line up and experience the excitement is not the same, with aristocratic temperament, mysterious and elusive vampire, and ferocious savage werewolves of century of war more exciting! The new wireless game controller N1 as the "werewolf underworld" return the only official website...