新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本GREE投资印尼初创手游工作室Touchten


Japan's Gree investment Indonesia start-up mobile games studio Touchten

2015-07-07 18:07:08来源: 178游戏网

日本社交及移动游戏开发商GREE近日领投了印度尼西亚手游开发商Touchten的C轮融资,这也是GREE历史上首次投资一家东南亚公司。美国风险投资商500 Startups也参与了本轮融资。 Touchten位于印尼首都雅加达,自2009年创办至今已完成三轮融资,投资方包括Indeo...

Japanese social and mobile game developers Gree recently brought cast Indonesia mobile games developer Touchten C round of financing, which is the history of the Gree first investment a company in Southeast Asia. U.S. venture capitalists 500 Startups also participated in the current round of financing. Touchten is located in the Indonesian capital Jakarta, since the founding of the company has completed three rounds of financing, including Indeo...

标签: 手游