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永恒之塔上海CJ亮相 新版本或九月更新

The eternal tower Shanghai CJ debut or a new version of the September update

2015-08-10 08:02:17来源: 多玩游戏

为期4天的第13届中国国际数码互动娱乐展览会(简称ChinaJoy),已圆满闭幕。作为一年一度的游戏盛会,大型3DMMORPG端游力作《永恒之塔》亮相ChinaJoy,入驻盛大游戏展台N2-02。其引入眼帘的巨型海报和“深渊风暴”四个大字,引发现场玩家的无限猜想。 亲爱的永恒之塔玩家:...

for a period of 4 days of the 13th China International Digital Interactive Entertainment Expo (referred to as ChinaJoy), have been successfully concluded. As the annual game event, large 3dmmorpg end tour masterpiece, "eternal tower" appearance ChinaJoy, settled in the grand game booth N2-02. Its introduction into the eyes of the giant poster and the abyss storm four characters, causing the scene of the players infinite conjecture. Dear eternal tower players:...