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Barbie man "cut Qianjun" Three soldiers were leading the trend of straight men

2015-11-26 09:57:40来源: 17173

首款战争直男新游 《斩千军》12月4日不删档测试!官方为迎接不删档测试的到来,首度与国内兵人圈NO.1团队303TOYS合作推出了张飞、吕布、关羽、刘备、赵云等五款三国主题兵人。兵人设计以大家熟悉的93版三国演义为原型,生动的表情,熟悉的面容!甚至能摆出游戏内相同的招式动作!今日小编就带...

The first straight male new war tour "cut Qianjun" December 4 does not delete files test! To meet the official does not delete files test soon, for the first time in cooperation with domestic Soldier circle NO.1 team 303TOYS introduced Zhang Fei, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Zhao Yun and other five soldiers were three themes. Soldier design to the familiar version of the Three Kingdoms 93 prototype, vivid expression, a familiar face! Even put in the same game moves the action! Xiao Bian today with ...