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TestBird官网全面更新 为金融领域测试赋能

TestBird website comprehensive update for the financial sector can test assignment

2018-02-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2 月 26 日,国内知名移动测试专家TestBird上线全新官网,TestBird历经几次官网改版,每一次改版都意味着产品的更新换代,是品牌的全面升级,也是为了给广大客户带来更好的使用体验,让测试变得更轻松。 为了更加明确公司战略进程,TestBird品牌定位全面升级为“移动互联测试专家”,突出在移动测试领域的专业度和专注度。根据TestBird在金融测试领域的经验和技术积累,此次的官网更新标志着TestBird全面进军金融测试领域,为传统金融移动化进程保驾护航。 亮点一 产品体系的全新升级和调整 TestBird作为第三方服务企业,客户第一的服务精神始终贯穿公司整体,在经过定...

On February 26, the well-known domestic mobile testing experts TestBird launched a new website, TestBird after several times website redesign, every revision means that the upgrading of products, is a comprehensive upgrade of brand, but also to bring customers better using experience, make it easier to test. In order to more clear corporate strategic process, TestBird brand positioning fully upgraded to "mobile interconnection test expert", highlight the professional degree in the field of mobile test and focus. According to TestBird accumulated experience and technology in the field of financial test, the website update marks TestBird fully financial test field, for the traditional financial mobile process. Highlight a product system of new upgrades and adjust TestBird as third-party service enterprise, customer first service spirit throughout the company as a whole, after setting...