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有奖征集直播问题 微星带你解析炉石高手罗杰

Prize for live Take you parse hearth expert Roger msi

2016-04-19 18:09:45来源: 中关村在线

《炉石传说》全民实力赛正在火爆进行之中,由高端游戏硬件领导品牌MSI微星科技全力赞助的台湾ahqeSports Club旗下的《炉石传说》职业明星选手--罗杰也将会来上海参加全民实力赛,并应微星科技的邀请还将参加4月28日MSI微星科技的专场斗鱼直播节目,和诸位喜爱《炉石传说》、喜爱微星...

The BFS legend national strength competition is hot, led by the high-end game hardware brand MSI MSI fully sponsored by Taiwan ahqeSports Club's "hearth legend" professional star player - Roger will also come to Shanghai to attend a national strength, and at the invitation of MSI will also attend on April 28, MSI MSI special live TV, selectively and you love the BFS legend, MSI...

标签: 直播