新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游戏搞笑瞬间集锦:妹子这一记老拳正中靶心!


The game is funny moments highlights: sister it good in the middle of the bull 's-eye!

2016-03-22 11:30:28来源: 新浪

kotaku的王牌节目Highlight Reel归来,本期继续带来游戏中的搞笑瞬间,最近的几款游戏《全境封锁》、《彩虹六号:围攻》依然是精彩镜头的主力。当然,本期作为节目的第200期,也非常有纪念意义,所以在片尾kotaku的编辑也做了一个特别环节。 视频目录 《光环5》——完...

Kotaku ace program Highlight biennial Reel return, continue to bring in current funny moments in the game last few games throughout the blockade, "rainbow six: the siege" is still the main highlights. This period as a show of 200, of course, also have very memorable, so in the end kotaku editor also made a special link. After video directory halo 5 -...

标签: 游戏