新关注 > 信息聚合 > 维塔士:我们制作的《星链》是Switch上画面最好的游戏之一


Virtuos: we make the star chain "is one of the best game in the picture on the Switch

2018-11-23 10:10:23来源: 游戏时光

自《星链 阿特拉斯之战》在上月16号发售后,游戏销量表现并不算喜人。但关于此游戏一项有趣的数据是:游戏在英国首周销量的82%由 Switch 版本贡献。这一方面得益于其与《星际火狐》的合作,另一方面自然要归功于游戏 Switch 版本的移植公司 —— 总部位于上海的维塔士。《星链 阿特拉斯之战》由育碧多伦多开发,而其 Switch 版本则由维塔士负责。此前两家公司也曾在《刺客信条 艾吉奥合集》中合作过。近日,GameIndustry 对维塔士高级技术指导 Jonathan Boldiga 进行了采访,谈到了双方在《星链 阿特拉斯之战》中的合作。星链 阿特拉斯之战在采访中,Boldig...

Since the star chain atlas wars in the 16th last month after sale, game sales performance is not well. But about this game is an interesting data: the game in the UK 82% of first week sales of contribution by the Switch version. That on the one hand, due to its cooperation with the interstellar firefox, on the other hand natural thanks to Switch versions of the game transplantation virtuos company, based in Shanghai. The star chain atlas wars developed by ubisoft Toronto, and its Switch version by virtuos. After the two companies in the assassins creed In gonow anthology. Recently, the GameIndustry  For virtuos senior technical director Jonathan Boldiga interviewed, spoke of the both sides in the star chain atlas wars in the cooperation. Star chain atlas in the interview, the war of the Boldig...

标签: 游戏 Switch