新关注 > 信息聚合 > 6.19首次删档封测!《劲舞团3》限量账号开始预约


6.19 the first closed beta testing! The audition 3 "limited account began booking

2015-06-09 13:46:18来源: 游久网

【游久网6月9日消息】今日,久游网(9you)宣布,劲舞系列最新续作《劲舞团3》,将于6月19日开启首次删档封测!2015年度最佳燃情音乐互动网游《劲舞团3》国服即将正式迎来首批玩家!目前,《劲舞团3》官网已开始限量账号的预约。 如何预约?玩家只需登录《劲舞团3》官网,通过页面输入正确...

[swim long Network News June 9] today, announced the Jiuyou Wang (9you) and dance series of the latest sequel" dance mission ", will be on June 19, open the first beta delete files! 2015 the best of the music interactive online games "Dance Mission 3" national service will officially usher in the first game player! At present, "Dance Mission 3" official website has begun to limit the appointment account. How to make an appointment? Game player just sign the "Dance Mission 3" through the official website, enter the correct page...