新关注 > 信息聚合 > 9月11日CGP中国游戏行业扑克锦标赛(广州站)报..


CGP - September 11 Chinese game industry Poker Tournament (Guangzhou) reported..

2015-09-02 19:07:27来源: 电玩巴士

游戏兵工厂新闻报道: 由上方网举办的2015第十一届TFC全球移动游戏大会在广州南丰国际会展中心开展日益临近,这里没有上海酷暑高温,没有Chinajoy香辣小龙虾,也没有外滩啤酒香槟,但却足以让游戏圈的各位同仁开启新一轮通宵达旦的跑会模式,届时来自全国各地的游戏业内人将一同参与这场游...

game Arsenal News reported: held by the top of the net 2015 the eleventh TFC global mobile game conference in Guangzhou Fung International Convention and Exhibition Center to carry out drawing nearer and nearer, there is no Shanghai cool summer high temperature, no ChinaJoy spicy crayfish, there is no Bund beer and champagne, but enough to make the circle game colleagues open a new round of night run mode, then from throughout the game industry insiders will participate in the tour.

标签: 游戏