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美博物馆收藏15款知名游戏 魔兽世界入选

The Museum of 15 famous game world of Warcraft games

2015-04-30 10:06:28来源: 多玩游戏

作为美国最大的私人博物馆之一,Strong国家戏剧博物馆收藏着数量众多与戏剧文化有关的珍贵藏品,近年来也开始搜集一些与电子游戏相关的材料。 从2015年2月开始,该博物馆举办了一场名为“世界知名游戏殿堂”的评选,并在近日公布了入选的15款风靡全世界的游戏作品,魔兽世界榜上有名,具体名...

was selected as one of America's largest private museum, Strong National Theatre Museum houses numerous rare collections and drama culture, in recent years have begun to collect some related materials and electronic games. From the beginning of 2015 February, the Museum held a "world famous game hall" award, and published a total of 15 models around the world in the world of Warcraft game works recently, on the list, the specific name...

标签: 游戏 魔兽世界