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开心消消乐190关三星攻略 190关怎么过

Happy with the elimination of 190 off the Samsung strategy 190 off how

2015-10-03 15:22:52来源: 4399

今天木木为大家带来的是开心消消乐190关三星攻略,想知道开心消消乐190关怎么过吗?那就赶快和木木一起来看看吧! 开心消消乐190关需要完成的项目很多,动物有3中还有冰块,在关卡布置难的情况下这关给很多的玩家造成闯关失败的结果,想要成功的通过我觉得有一点很关键就是利用小鸡组成五连,时间...

today, wood wood for everyone to bring the joy of the 190 Samsung strategy, want to know how happy the 190 off? So quickly and take a look at it! Happy eliminate Le 190 requires the completion of the project many animals have 3 and ice, in the level of difficult arrangement of the this to a lot of players caused checkpoints as a result of the failure, want to success through I think was a key point is the use of chicken composed of five in a row, time...

标签: 三星