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黄子韬水立方唱响《我是大主宰》 杨幂惊喜亮相

Huang Zitao water cube to sing "I am Lord" Yang Mi surprise appearance

2015-10-31 13:45:31来源: 千龙

前晚(10月29日),《我是大主宰》大型音乐主题发布会在北京水立方上演,歌坛小鲜肉黄子韬现场演绎了同名主题曲《我是大主宰》。神秘嘉宾杨幂惊喜亮相,笑称黄子韬是小白兔。 黄子韬本次加盟《我是大主宰》是他首次担任“音乐监制”一职,发布会上他带来了现场版的同名主题曲,频频摆出酷炫的姿势引得粉...

last night (October 29). "I am master" large theme music conference staged in Beijing's water cube, singer little meat Huang Zitao on-site interpretation of the theme song of the same name is "my Lord". The mysterious Yang Mi surprise appearance, Huang Zitao said with a smile is the rabbit. Huang Zitao this time to join the "I am the master" is his debut as a music producer post, conference brought him live version of the theme song of the same name, frequently assumed a cool pose attracted powder...