新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网游《画皮世界2》疾奔的速度与激情


Online games "painted world 2" disease rushes of speed and passion

2015-09-02 16:27:04来源: 新浪

导语:麒麟游戏2015年推出重磅MMORPG游戏《画皮世界2》历经了3年的潜心之作,通过玩家反馈,反复调整游戏核心玩法,在原有基础上开发众多创新玩法,比如网络游戏中大热的“疾奔系统”就已经在《画皮世界2》中实现,并且有了进一步的创新。 玩家在较低等级就可以获得疾奔能力,双击“W”键,...

Intro: kylin game 2015 launched heavy MMORPG game "the painted world 2" after 3 years of painstaking work, through the player feedback, repeatedly adjusting the core game play. In the basis of the original development of many innovative gameplay, such as hot in network game "scurry system will have in the painted world 2" implementation, and have the further innovation. Players can get the ability to run at a lower level, double click on the "W" button,...

标签: 网游