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无IP半天登顶iOS免费榜 《全民泡泡大战》品质造..

IP free half day summit of iOS free list "quality nationwide bubble wars" made..

2015-02-16 16:39:44来源: 18183

《全民泡泡大战》自1月中旬正式曝光以来,就展现出了非同寻常的特质。 艾瑞数据显示,自2013年手游爆发后,手游近两年的增长幅度始终不断攀升,2014年移动游戏总规模更是达到了惊人的276亿,同比增长率86%,而移动游戏人口也正在向着4亿稳步进发,随着智能手机的快速普及,一夜之间移动游...

"national bubble wars" since mid January since the formal exposure, you show the characteristics of beautifully. Ari data show, since 2013, after the outbreak of Mobile Games, nearly two years the growth rate of Mobile Games always rising, in 2014 the total size of the mobile game is a staggering 27600000000, year-on-year growth rate of 86%, while the mobile gaming population is steadily heading towards 400000000, along with the rapid popularization of smart mobile phone, mobile travel overnight...

标签: iOS