新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英雄联盟第七届高校联赛省赛落幕 CREC战队获重庆战冠军

英雄联盟第七届高校联赛省赛落幕 CREC战队获重庆战冠军

CREC Team Wins Chongqing Championship in the 7th Provincial College League Match of Heroes League

2019-04-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

4月13日,山城召唤师齐聚吉卡布电竞馆,第七届英雄联盟高校联赛重庆省赛正式开战。精彩的比赛、天使配音秀、原创英雄嘻哈rap、炫酷的3D投影,吸引超过数百名召唤师参与这一盛事,来自重庆各高校的12支战队历经12个多小时的激烈对战,最终来自重庆房地产学院的CREC战队荣耀捧杯,在获得丰厚奖励的同时,也拿下了大区赛的参赛资格。 校园lol英雄,为热爱而战 比赛当日,赛事还未正式开场,各个战队的英雄们却早已在战备区准备,战意一触即发。各个战队的亲友团们也暗自较劲,为自家战队加油打气。在观众们的呐喊助威下,在热烈而紧张的比赛中,选手们为热爱而战,连连打出亮眼的操作,现场氛围激情澎湃,热情瞬间被...

On April 13, the summoners of Shancheng gathered at Jikabu Electric Competition Hall, and the 7th Heroes League College League Chongqing Provincial Competition was officially launched. Excellent competition, Angel dubbing show, original hero hip-hop rap, cool 3D projection, attracting more than hundreds of summoners to participate in this event. After more than 12 hours of fierce battle, 12 teams from Chongqing College of Real Estate won the cup gloriously, and won the qualifications of the regional competition at the same time. Campus lol heroes, fighting for love that day, the competition has not yet officially opened, but the heroes of various teams have already been prepared in the war readiness area, war is imminent. Relatives and friends of each battle team also struggled secretly to cheer for their own battle team. Under the support of the audience, in the intense and intense competition, the players fight for love, and make brilliant operations in succession. The atmosphere of the scene is passionate, and the enthusiasm is instantaneous.

标签: 英雄联盟