新关注 > 信息聚合 > 知乎:如何评价ZSMJ的职业路程 能否插旗TI5

知乎:如何评价ZSMJ的职业路程 能否插旗TI5

Know: how to evaluate the focal distance ZSMJ occupation can flag TI5

2015-04-20 17:10:20来源: 超级玩家

作为中国三大C之一的ZSMJ一直以来也是玩家粉丝热议的焦点,网友就知乎问答上就一则题为“如何评价ZSMJ的职业路程,以及他现在的状态,能否插旗TI5?”的帖子发表自己的看法! 陈雨,三炮压死石头人 说马甲就得说到三大C,Burning、Zhou、ZSMJ。 Zhou在TI3后...

as one of the Chinese three C ZSMJ game player fans have also been hot, users will know the answer is one entitled "how to evaluate the occupation from ZSMJ, and he is now the state flag, can TI5?" Post Express their views! Chen Yu, crushed stone three gun said vest have when it comes to three C, Burning, Zhou, ZSMJ. Zhou after TI3...

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